Today started with a swim at 8, met with the lads who have been up since 4am, then 5am, then 6am lol !! and picked up Jeff along the way. He had been standing on the side of the road as we drove up, we had both just separately seen Hillary Biscay who we both like, running down the road, much to the bewilderment of the other 3 in the car as we rattled off famous people we were spotting.
Myself and Jeff have bought the ‘30 years of Ironman World Championships’ book by Bob Babbitt (and no he isn’t the guy who had his willy chopped off, as someone tried to make out earlier today !!!) and we are slowly trying to outdo each other with famous signatures. So far I have
Mark Allen, Peter Reid, Bob Babbitt (obviously), Hillary Biscay, Natascha Badmann, Craig Alexander (yep !!) and Phil Graves
Anyway, its good fun and keeps us out of mischief.
The swim ended up at the Coffees of Hawaii boat, we had a chat with the Albernator and looks like we have ended up on the front page of Day 3 here IMTalk Day 3 I think that will change each day, so it’s a one time offer so to speak.
Over for breakfast and another spot was these 2 guys, Dave Orlowski (3rd) and Tom Knoll (6th), they are the places these guys were in the original 1978 first ever IM in Oahu. Orsum, Tom Knoll is in yellow and Dave in blue, Jeff is with me.

Then onto the expo and some shopping, this is where I was cornered by Bevan and John from IMTalk, I came bounding over as they were mid stream talking into their microphone and ended up getting interviewed, brilliant, having listened to these guys for years it’s a treat for them to recognise me now lol !! love it.
My enthusiasm was short lived however as we had a small emergency today, Teya had to be rushed to the medical centre with a temperature of 39.4Deg. Not good for anyone especially her age, the long and short of it without being so dramatic, even though it was a the time as she was unresponsive and very very hot is that she was just overheating and once we got her settled her temp dropped, the bonus for us is that this happened while we were waiting for the doctor to see her, so I just asked for my credit card and ID back and we left. If Kelly’s mum is reading this, its all OK Suzanne, honest xx
Once we got her settled I headed back to the expo, I know this sounds bad but when Kelly rang me to tell me the news I was talking to Mark Allen and had to cut him off and tell him I would catch him later lol !! he looked a bit shocked a normo would cut him off mid sentence but I had a family to look after, he wasn’t there when I got back, how rude haha !
The boys were still there waiting though and a quick piccy before they were picked up was taken
Right bought my last few bits and off to the pasta party, this is the view at the moment as they are building the grandstand.
Phil Graves was taken up as the youngest in the race and interviewed, had a good laugh as he explained he was going to take a few scalps on Saturday, gotta love him, I wish I was watching as well as competing now as that is going to be something to behold unfolding if he has a good race.
As I was at the pasta party Roger has picked up Paul and Jan (Slummo and Bendy to the pirates) safe and sound, they have a great apartment by Lava java, will be picking them up in the morning.
Day over, its been a long one and tomorrow is chill out day, honest, just putting my new tubs on to race bike, pictures tomorrow of race set up and race gear. I really need to go to bed now as I have plenty to set up tomorrow,
Night night x
Glad that Teya is OK. Loving the blog. Say hi to the 'lads' - wot no union jack shorts!
All the best for Saturday - I hope Madame Pele looks kindly on everyone. I'll be glued to the PC so don't hang around as I want to get a bit of sleep!
Surely that should be 'Rosie has groupies'!, although they look scary, best avoid them ;)
"I wish I was watching as well as competing now"
Rosey, I forgot to tell you in my email... A good incentive for doing well is to get through the Ali'i Drive portion of the run before the winner has finished. Then you are running backwards up Palani and can watch all the pros running down towards you.
I was 5 mins too late in 06 and just caught 4th place coming in but from then on you can count them in as you run up on to the Queen K.
Have a great race mate!
Hope Teya is OK, was really worried at work when I saw your blog, but then realised she was with those who would look after her. Just found out I can write on here. Great being able to follow your blog, finding IM very interesting.
Good luck for Saturday and take care, Susannexx
too close for comfort now the start.
Pirates are no longer black n yellow, but green with envy :-)
Hi Nick,
Good luck tomorrow ( well, is's now today for U ;-). You've worked hard for this moment, make sure you enjoy it. I'm very very jelous !
Martin Howard ( the guy who got into the Unisys company magazine about Ironman before you. The only time I ever beat you !! )
Go go Blairy on the tan (see if you can catch Jase). Nick enjoy it, you've done 'quite well' since the Horwich novice mini-tri in 1999. Now show Hawaii what you can do !!
Go Go Nick
from Lew Justine Jake and Jamie
Thanks for the wishes guys, I aim to see a few of them Rich ;-) and I hope Mde. Pele is looking kindly on me tomorrow. Big up to Jake and Jamie too, thanks for the messages.
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