Thursday, July 26, 2012

IRONMAN Bolton 2012 - IMUK Race Report

I have been moved here


Coops said...

Do yourself no credit there Rosey. Finish time 10:13:41 no? ;-)

Great report, Great race, as expected :-)

David Rowe said...

Superb write-up. Love the 'see you in Lava Java' quote. Well done.

Jj said...

<<< beam >>>

Mx said...

Dying to know what Jj said that you removed! LOL!

A brilliant report as ever. You so deserve this.

The organisers have asked us officials for feedback, so I will pass on your comments about the bouys. I have already mentioned the T2 situation to them.

I'm curious about your bike fit and that you can have been on the wrong size bike for so long. Will pick your brains about that over winter, if that's okay.



Sore Shins said...

Excellent report of an awesone performance. Inspirational mate.

Rosey said...

Min, The removed posts aren't me, I think JJ forgot the beam part.

I can give you some very constructive feedback if you want, mail me on nickrose01 (at) gmail (dot) com and I will reply.

As far as bike, I was comfy and it fitted OK but position was a little cramped, body gets used to it, the fitter extended me and raised the saddle far beyond what I would have expected as normal but it fitted perfectly. The 2nd bike fit just went that little bit far and I was overreaching on the bottom of the pedal stroke.

Plus technology improves and the thinking around what is better for you changes, as the years go by we have more data from bike fits over the last 5 years to say what works and what doesn't, I had one many moons ago on a road bike and never really did my TT bike properly.

Jj said...

didn't forget it - some sites don't like the pointy brackets, so I had to repost with a space. :D

Rosey said...

COOPS, got it in the end, thanks, its been changed.